E  enquiries@protemporis.co.uk

T  01283 810697

 © 2014-2023 ProTemporis Limited  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

•  Professional Expertise and Experience

•  Understanding of School Management

•  Quality and Excellence

•  Care and Attention to Detail

•  Empathy and Understanding

•  Efficiency and Reliability

•  Value for Money


The service offered by ProTemporis is underpinned by a commitment to the following values and principles:


Before the process even starts, ProTemporis takes time to understand the school, its needs and constraints, the wishes of its staff and the objectives of its management for the timetable. Several visits to the school are arranged in order to develop this understanding. Timetable construction only begins when this understanding is complete, and takes place in full accordance with the priorities and policies of the school.



Writing a timetable is more than just a logic puzzle. At the forefront of our thinking is an acute awareness that a timetable will affect the quality of life of several hundred people for a year. The difference between a good timetable and a bad one is the difference between a happy school (in which staff and pupils have weekly routines that are conducive to effective teaching and learning) and an unhappy one (in which difficult logistical demands on time create stress and inefficiency).

ProTemporis aims not just to produce timetables that work (that is a given), it also aims to produce timetables that are good. Good for the school, good for the staff and pupils that work within it, and good for the management of the school.

Allied with this philosophy is a core principle that no timetabling decision is taken by a computer. Computers are used extensively for processing the timetable after decisions are made, for cross-checking clashes and for inputting data into the school’s Management Information System, but they are not good at making good timetable decisions.

So at ProTemporis all timetabling decisions are made by a human being. At ProTemporis we try, if at all possible, to say “yes” to requests, and the objectives when solving problems are always to find solutions that are good ones. We will never accept an unsatisfactory solution to a problem just because it is a solution – if there is a better solution we will strive to find it.

​November 2023